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As I am changing from street clothes to riding gear I take a few breaths and
think about: 1. Physicala. use a check list.c. add your own2. warm upc. find out
what works for youUse this as a rough outline adding what works and getting rid
of what doesn't through experimentation. This is another aspect of racing where keeping a journal
can really help you find out what works..Night Before Race (taking care of all these
items really helps me sleep!)1. Sometimes it takes 20-30 minutes of riding before I feel
comfortable. Recently I have added a dynamic warm up (jumping jacks, dynamic stretching) before I
ride and this has really helped my focus (by lengthening my warm up a bit)
and my body (by opening up my body, especially my back). find out what works
for you2. Even on trails I know very well. Static stretching takes away up to
20% of the elasticity in your muscles for up to three hours, it should be
done after exercise.Creating a Pre-ride or Pre-race RoutineTo make themselves feel comfortable and confident, top
competitors in many different sports utilize a personalized pre-race (or pre-game) routine to help them
perform at their best. 4. Image race run at least three times (good use of
chair lift time)c. Remember, only concern yourself with what you control (which basically is your
equipment and your riding) worrying about how your competition will ride is a big waste
of time because you have no control over their ridingc. use check listd. As I
often state in my coaching sessions most of my crashes happen within 5 minutes of
getting on my bike when I don't warm up (because I am not focused).Dan Millman
recommends transition periods when going from one aspect/role of life to another (mother to bike
rider, business person to bike rider, stressed out business person to patient, loving father, etc.)
and this can really help you get rid of distractions and focus on the present.
How much fun it nike tn is to ride my bike! 5. The day I have had
so far and then putting it behind me 2. Routines are not the same as
rituals, a routine is a structured plan designed to help you reach your optimum performance
while a ritual relies on superstition to control your performance (things like not washing your
"lucky" socks or stepping on a crack). Mine is RAILUM which stands for Relax, Attitude,
Intensity, Look Up, and Moto. Imaging, stretching, meditation, etc.b. add your own preparation (meditation, stretching,
yoga, etc.)Morning of Race1. Darn good thing I'm an endurance racer and not a downhill
racer, but it is frustrating. It happens to me a lot that when I start
out on a trail it takes a while for me to get into riding smoothly
and comfortably. Know the course by heart, no missing sections, have a confident plan on
how you will ride from top to bottom (worrying about how to handle that "big
jump" will keep you up all night).b. It may sound a little new age but
I have found it to be really calming and help clear my mind.In conclusion, I
stress to all of my students the importance of a warm up. I have trained
hard all winter for this, I know the course, I'm fast, I will ride my
best etc.) also music is a big help to many racersd. prepare bag to take
to the start with you, spare goggles and gloves, walkman with charged batteries, food, drink
etc. Mentala. Create an abbreviation for the things that you need to remember to have
a good run and tape it to your stem or bars. I always like to
warm up for at least 20 minutes before I do a downhill run. How beautiful
the woods/mountain is that I am about to play in. 3. For a xc ride
I usually warm up by doing my cornering and skills drills in a parking lot
and riding a mellow trail or road. A Tn Requin pre-ride routine (see article below) is a
detailed example of this. How fortunate I am to be going on a peaceful bike
ride when there is so much turmoil going on in the world. inspect and tune
bike completely with checklist and put on number plate (how many racers have arrived at
a race and realized that their # plate is back in the hotel?!)b. Remember that
you want to do dynamic stretching before you ride, not static stretching (where you hold
the stretch). Something Missy Giove told me, she makes peace with the mountain I believe
she learned this from a native American tradition. I have listed many common practices to
get you started but you must experiment and find out what works best for you.
Many people worry about their competition's performance , remember only concern yourself with what you
controlb. I have a short one that I do when I get to the trailhead.
Please click here: http://www.betterride.net for Gene's free course on the top ten riding mistakes and
how to correct them. prepare race clothes, shoes, pads, helmet, goggles, gloves. Mentala. Equipmenta. A
well thought out routine will make you confident at the start while your competition worries
about their run and wonders why you are so confident.Gene Hamilton is a licensed USA
Cycling Expert Coach and has over 18 years of coaching experience including 11 years coachhing
mountain biking. What I am going to focus on (vision, counter pressure, body position, etc.)
to help me enjoy the ride even more. Saying Railum and then thinking about each
component of it really helps me focus.e. Image race run (at least twice) from standing
in line at the start to your feelings of elation after crossing the finish line
with a perfect runc. dressing routine (always dressing in a certain order can be almost
like a meditation and make you feel at home even when miles away)b. Mentala. shower,
stretching, what to eat and when to eat it, etc.b. practice run (if offered)d. Ever
struggle at the beginning of ride? I received the following question from a student and
it lead to a great article on warming up.I have a question about getting into
the groove. Put yourself in optimum mental state for racing (again find out by experimenting
while training) many people make a short list or mantra of why they will perform
well, (i.e.. 6. Physicala. find out what your racing fears are and how to put
them to rest (weeks before race) and put. It helps clear your mind and get
you focused, helps loosen up the muscles and relax you and helps you get the
most out of your ride. She really looks around at the beauty of her surroundings
and tells the mountain, thank you letting me play on you, you are beautiful, I
am not here to harm you but enjoy your beauty and trails (probably slightly mis-quoted
this conversation was over 10 years ago). In other words a routine helps you take
control of your performance while rituals assume fate (not you) will control your race.I have
added a night before the race routine to eliminate most causes of worry and allow
you to get some sleep.Your pre-race routine should make you comfortable in strange/new surroundings, build
your confidence, eliminate stress, and prepare you to do your best. find out what works
for youAt Race Site1. add your own topics2. Can you give me some help as
to how to overcome this? Is it common?> KarenThis is quite common for many riders
and I (and many of my students) have the same problem. Gene's coaching highlights include
coaching many top pro racers (Chris Van Dine, Eli Krahenbuhl, Andrew Pierce, ..) and top
junior experts (Ben Hulse, Naish Ulmer, Parker Worthington, ...) as well as thousands of recreational
riders. Gene is a pretty good racer too, in 13 seasons as a pro downhill
racer he has won a Silver (2002) and two Bronze Medals (2006, 1999) at the
UCI World Masters Championships..
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