To earn as much as you deserve. Nikken Global Inc is one of the world's largest multilevel marketing (MLM) and health-products companies. It has been estimated that one in every eight homes in Japan contains a wellness product from this company.A company brochure states, "Nikken was created to fill a need. He drew his inspiration from the pebbled surface at the bottom of a Japanese public bath, added magnetism and the Magstep, TN Requin pas cher,the first product, was born."The statement continues, "Magsteps are an example of a pioneering idea - wellness solutions based on the natural world. During 2007:59% of all consultants were no longer active after a 12 month period.4% of all U.S. Even to make a difference in the world, helping others."If a scam exists, it's that owners and management apparently believe that 98.4% of active consultants-hopeful individuals who have chosen this company as their home business-"deserve" about $35 per week for an entire year's work.The company business model depends upon a constant supply of new recruits. This group had been active for an average of 112 months (9+ years.)75% (Platinum level) received an average of $10,122 for the year. Its roots are in Japan, the world's leader in the network marketing industry. This group had been active for an average of 126 months (10+ years.)The top earning category--Royal Diamonds--earned an average of $393,824. To earn as much as you deserve. At that time, its business model was changed to multilevel marketing (MLM).A company brochure states: "Life as an independent Consultant gives you the freedom to live as you wish. Even to make a difference in the world, helping others."How Much Do You Deserve?It is very difficult to find a current (2009) annual report of earnings. This group had been active for an average period of 87 months (7+ years.) Average earnings = $19.67 per week.9% (Gold level) received an average of $3,639 for the year. Are these disgruntled people correct, or does the truth lie somewhere between their opinions and company claims?Let's consider two primary areas-products and business opportunity.Consideration #1--ProductsFollowing the commercial success of their magnetized shoe insert, Nike Shox NZ homme they introduced a line of Kenko? sleep products in 1978 and 1979. Because a high percentage of consultants become discouraged and quit after a few months, a large portion their income appears to be generated by sign-up fees and initial purchases made by thousands of hopeful new "recruits" each year. "Business Opportunity--A Second OpinionMany ex-distributors feel that Nikken's corporate vision may be focused more on profits for the company itself and for a tiny percentage of sales leaders at the top of a very large heap. Nikken also sells nutritional supplements, massage products, pet-care items, jewelry, skin care products, negative-ion technology, plus clothing and other items made with ceramic-reflective fibers claimed to maintain an ideal body temperature.As long as officers or distributors make no medicinal claims for their products, nothing is apparent--based on their product line--to indicate a problem.Consideration #2--Business OpportunityThe company had total sales of $5.5 billion from traditional sales before beginning operations in the U.S. Products such as the Kenko? Sleep System use bipole magnets to product a pattern of magnetic flow that creates a landscape of peaks and valleys of magnetic energy considered ideal for a sleep surface." In addition to shoe inserts, other magnetic products include clothing, flexible support wraps, water purification devices, sleep masks, and mattresses. But the company and its founder were motivated by more than products. This category comprised less than one-half of one percent of all active consultants.To repeat what was quoted earlier Nike Shox R4 Homme from a company brochure:"Life as an independent Nikken Consultant gives you the freedom to live as you wish. A vision of caring, of helping others, was central to the corporate vision. A company brochure claims: "Every magnetic product uses static (permanent) magnets, for safety and reliability. In 1975, Isamu Masuda conceived of an invention that would relax and energize millions of people who suffered from one of mankind's most common complaints: sore feet, and the fatigue that this extends to the entire body. "active" consultants earned an average of $1817 for the entire year ($35 per week.) Breaking down that number83 % (Silver level) received an average of $1023 for the year. Nikken U.S.A., Inc was formed in April, 1989. These represent people who buy into this business believing that they will gain the freedom to live as they wish, and earn as much as they "deserve."Visit to discover the 2011 Top Pick for a Home Based Business.Also visit for valuable information about home business and internet marketing..